My sister, Molly, called me this morning and told me that my blog was in dire need of an update. It has been months since I last wrote, but I get so few comments here that it's easier to believe that no one will read it, so who cares if I write? But I like writing, and I like talking about the Jonas Brothers, so no h
Honor Society, a group of men much too old to be opening for the Jonas Brothers, opened for the Jonas Brothers. They were fine. Nothing special. Yeah, I'm definitely no making the effort to iTunes them. Ah, and then the phenom Wonder girls. And by phenom, I really mean painful. "I want nobody nobody but you (clap clap) but you (clap)." No, can't do it.

I can show some enthusiasm for third opening act (seriously? three? come on, bring on Nick, Joe, and even Kevin), Jordin Sparks. I mean, I totally watched her on American Idol and I hear her songs on the radio all the time, so it was pretty cool. Even though I have never liked her song Tattoo. Whatever.

Really there was nothing more exciting than the Jonas Brothers. When they finally came on stage, I got so excited that I dug my nails into my hand and cut my finger. I'm a joke. They played a lot of stuff from their new album, Lines, Vines, and Trying Times, which I enjoy, but don't know as well as their other stuff. So my attempts at singing along were horribly choppy and embarrassing. Especially in comparison to the surrounding pre-teens. But then they played the stuff from A Little Bit Longer and Jonas Brothers and Camp Rock and I could totally rock in my Jonas element.
Please feel free to mock away. I have completely come to terms with my adolescent lameness. I like the Jonas Brothers. I like Disney Channel. If you read my blog ever, it's horribly obvious and not news to you at all. Thanks for reading this far!
Love, Sandy