In my last post I said that my Greekap would be coming very soon. I guess very soon meant two weeks this time, because two weeks after the season finale of Greek, the Greekap has arrived!
I guess it's pretty crucial to mention the amazingness of the previous episode, when Cappie told Casey that he wants to be with her and they kissed and will be together forever, yay!
But this is really about the finale episode. A lot happened, so I'm going to ignore all of the boring Rusty, sciencey stuff. This time, it's all about Cappie and Casey, Songfest, and the Omega Chi/Kappa Tau rivalry. Oh yeah, and I took notes during the episode, to make sure I captured all the best lines.
Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start. So Casey was in bed with Cappie, very reminiscent of the last time they slept together, in the pilot episode. She was all sneakily climbing out of his bed and pulling her pants on. But then he woke up and they cuddled and it was too adorable to even explain. Unfortunately, the whole scene, all I could think about was the inevitable morning breath that they both must have. Neither seemed to mind, but it plagued my mind.
Instead of complaining about morning breath though, they complained about telling people about their fab new/old relationship. They have to hide it of course, until they tell Evan about them. Casey kept it a secret from Ashleigh by saying that the reason for her hanger in the mouth smile was because she was thinking about the rise and fall of Mischa Barton. I'm not entirely sure she was lying.
Ashleigh finds out in the next scene, when the girls are all practicing for some dance. Ashleigh is singing some song I don't know, but she is amazing. Note Kelsey from High School Musical in the background. Is she a legit character now? Stupid Beth starts yelling at the girls for doing the dance wrong, which makes me laugh a lot, because she is so stupid and nice. Then Casey tells Ashleigh, who is weirdly unconcerned by the fact that this epic romance is in full force. She only cares about the dance, which is cool and all, but care about your best friend too! I mean, she announces it to the whole house, but other than that, doesn't have the reaction I expected.
Oh also, since all the ZBZs and the Kappa Taus now all know (Casey and Cappie accidentally made out in front of the KTs), it's time to tell Evvypoo. Cappie is beyond awkward and Evan thinks Cappie is firing him or something. Because seriously, nothing he says is making any sense. He actually responds to Evan asking about getting fired with, "let's think of this as bringing another member into our team." Um, what? Yeah. He then equates the three of them (Cappie, Casey, and Evan) to Harry Potter, "and the other two." Which I gotta say, pisses me off a little. Cappie would totally be a Harry Potter junkie. RON AND HERMIONE. Duhhh.
Calvin and his douchey bf have a little tiff about Evan. I seriously want Calvin to get rid of that turd, Grant. He is cute, but I cannot stand him anymore.
Switch to the KT house, where a banner splaying "Bong Voyage Heath" is on display. Ha. Now I know I said I wouldn't mention the boring Rusty stuff, but I really liked when Cappie said that Dale didn't mention anything about the Rusty/Dale problems ay Krav Maga. They're friendship kills me. I mean, picture Cappie and Dale doing Krav Maga right now. If you watch this show and know who Cappie and Dale are.
Then the crickets come. It's gross. I want to throw up a little. Omega Chis dumped all these crickets into the KT house. Apparently Beaver hates crickets, "ever since Pinocchio. They're too bossy." I gotta agree with Beaver. Jiminy is a bossy one. Cappie isn't loving the crickets either. He tells Evan that they are in every crack of the house. Then cricket squeak, butt crack slap, "see."
The next notable, and potentially greatest part of the episode comes after Courtney from Dorm-lIfe tells the ZBZs that they can't use Beth's routine. They don't know what to do, blah blah blah, when annoying Abby (Kelsey from HSM) pops up and announces that she can help, because she choreographed three of her high school musicals. One was their senior year. Now I love that she mentioned this, so I don't want to nitpick, but... Ryan choreographed. Kelsey composed. Okay whoosh, got that off my chest. Casey took the joke a little too far by saying "we're all in this together," come on, we all got the reference. She even said the movie title. But I still liked the recognition. It was very OC, which they have done before with Kostos, Frasier, and Cameron from Ferris Bueller. Much appreciated.
So Kelsey choreographs this awesome dance to "Good Girls Gone Bad", even though Blair isn't on this show to sing it. She is actually on another show in this time slot. Uh oh. Instead Ashleigh sings it and she is great. Casey is acually an awesome dancer. I though Ashleigh was bsing when she said Casey was one of the best in the house, but it's true. Cappie cheered for her the whole time, which I loved.
Then the KT/OX prank. Omega Chis back out. I'm as crushed as that golf cart. My dear Wade got expelled! I never really knew Ferret, so I don't care about him, and Jeremy was just a weirdo, but Wade?! So Cappie and Evan end the friendship. Cappie is super sad, because he "lost four of his best friends today," but he has Casey to lean on. And because of the weird sorority rules involving boys, Casey has to sleep over at the KT house. For some reason, she has no qualms about the crickets.