First I guess I should go through the things going on:
Casey and Evan have an alumni function where they want to suck up
to their professor
Ashleigh is living with Casey and Casey isn't too psyched about the arrangement
KT is having a huge awesome Everest party
The only KT pledge wants to be Cappie's little brother, but Rusty wants the pledge
The pledge's dad is visiting
Rebecca wants to pimp out Heath's sister
Calvin is doubting his relationship with Heath
Alright, I could start from the top... or I can pick one of those topics at random and go with it. And while I realized I skimped on some topics, the important ones will come into play.
Okay, well the dullest of the topics was the pledge's dad visiting, so I'll get it out of the way. Well to flashback since I never wrote about it, Kappa Tau wasn't allowed to accept pledges this semester because of illicit partying during rush, so they o
nly have one pledge who was allowed to rush because he's a legacy. His name is Peter Parks, so he's obviously Pledge Spidy. I wish they could have gotten the guy named Jody Foster, but whatever. Anyway, Spidy's dad is apparently some really cool super rich CEO, so when he comes to visit the guys have to suck up a little. Cappie is disappointed when the guy turns out to be a boring suit, but he ends up being a legit Kappa Tau, so no worries. Plus, he's the guy from Weekend at Bernie's who isn't Andrew McCarthy, so it works out.
Now since it follows fluidly, Rusty wants Spidy to be his little brother. His only previous little brother deactivated after Rusty kissed his girlfriend so little Spitter feels like a failure. Thank god they mentioned his old little bro, because I was beginning to think they forgot that Jesse McCartney was ever on the show. And I definitely
laughed when Beaver referred to him as Andylicious again. Oh right, my point. Spidy asks Cappie to be his big brother, which normally wouldn't work, but he's the only pledge. Cappie fortunately tells Rusty right off the bat, so we have no unnecessary awkwardness. Rusty offers to back off, but Cappie says Rusty can do it anyway. Rusty doesn't want a pledge who doesn't want him, blah blah blah. Whatever, eventually Spidy chooses Rusty after he steals a goat because he can teach Spidy to be the cool nerd amalgam that Rusty already is.
Wow, sorry this post is boring. The quotes are definitely the best part and I have none of that here. I'll rewatch the episode and update this post later with some funny lines.
Ermmm right Casey is sick of Ashleigh living with her, but loves having her

Afterwards, Casey gets so upset that she allows Rebecca to feed her shots until she is blackout drunk. Then she goes to the awesome looking Everest party and slides down some slides and drinks a lot more. Cappie walks Casey home, but she kisses him and he always has trouble resisting her. He tries to, so that he doesn't feel like a rapist, but she's pretty convincing when she tells him their story is a fairytale. Ashleigh tried to make their whole fairy tale story seem like a negative earlier, but I'm glad Casey flip flopped that.
Also, Calvin found out that Grant is a stripper and that he thought the party was using lots of ice because it was an Everwood themed party and that show took place in a cold climate. Rebecca pointed out that Grant is an idiot and Calvin was like crap, you're right. But he loves him anyway in the end.
I'll update this with some actual goodness later, since this was lame. My apologies!