It's back. The guiltiest pleasure of all returns tonight. The one. The only. Pretty Little Liars. Oh yes, prepare yourselves (no one, since my lack of writing has scared away any readers I ever had) for more of that backstabbing, secrecy, murder, sex, and all around prettiness that dominates this show. So long to the days when ABC Family was all Angela Anaconda or Braceface (even though it was Fox Family back then so maybe it doesn't count). That was the days of cutesy, wholesome family oriented goodness. My obvious favorite show, Greek, is a perfect example of how the channel has morphed into something much more CW than Nick. I'm not complaining though. I love these new shows, although Switched at Birth looks seriously terrible. Didn't Veronica Mars already cover that plotline? The one thing I ask is for ABC Family to stop pretending that it hasn't changed its demographic. By airing stuff like America's Funniest Home Videos and Full House it's like they don't realize what they have become. Stop denying your teenybopperness and just go with it. All of the new shows involve pretty teenagers/early20somethings being ballsy so what's with the sappy music preceding a hug?
I missed my point with this tirade. All I wanted to say was that I am SO EXCITED for Pretty Little Liars to come back. I want me some Aria, Hanna, Spencer, Emily, all those boys, and hopefully no Maya or Ian. Now go balk at the title and the fact that it's on this cheesy little channel. But I proudly say I like this show. Now your turn to watch.