After much careful consideration, I have decided that I will discuss last night's Greek right now. I swear beyond all swears that my next post will be about the MTV Movie Awards though, if only to discuss Miley's shoutout to the GOD.
I figure Greek is more timely, both because it was on last night and I
watched it today AND because it shamelessly plugged Sims 3 which comes out today even though I am forbidden to get it and want it more than anything. If I have any

Anyway, the plotlines in this episode involved Casey's newfound loneliness,
Rusty's fledgling relationship with Jordan, Calvin's new gay roomie, and Evan and Cappie's secret society. Because Casey and Rusty are the main characters, I'll go there (like Degrassi) first.
So Kostos went to London for a little while on some awesome sciency fellowship, leaving Casey sad and alone. Especially now that she told Cappie that they could no longer be friends. Unlike me and Rusty, she can't handle the solitude very well, so she tags along on my dear Betsy's date. Which is at the same restaurant as Rusty's date. Wah wah, she ends up ruining both dates which pisses Rusty off to a whole new level. She keeps up the whole lonely and annoying thing for a while. And it's pretty convincing because I'm totally annoyed. Ashleigh the Great helps her figure out what's wrong, she talks it out with Rusty, and score, all is well again.
I never wrote about last week, when Rusty and Jordan finally mated (ew, no idea why mated is the verb I chose to use. Especially since they haven't had sex yet). But Rusty is totally psyched and chooses to take her on a fab date. The date has to rival Andy's level of cool, because he "dresses like a popstar." Nice. He amps up his game by acting fancy and giving his name as Cartwright, Russell at the restaurant. It was cute and confused everyone around him.
I'm glad I finally like Jordan again. Maybe she almost has a constant character. The only lame thing she did the entire episode was saying that a special date to her meant sneaking wine coolers into a movie. C'mon, that isn't special to anyone. The two of them are taking it semi-slow, so it may be a little while before anything major happens there. They had all their drama already.
The latest bound-to-happen couple is Calvin and his new roommate Grant. Who is pretty hot. Calvin thinks so too, and it's pretty obvious that Grant feels the same way about Calvin. They stared at eachother shirtless and it was pretty hot.
Right, But Calvin says it can't happen because the house would feel too awk about it. Calvin is the only person there that Grant is out to so far. It was actually such a great coming out, because Calvin didn't get it, and then felt super awkward. But that conversation is bound to alienate watchers, since Calvin said that Entourage is unwatchable. I'm somewhere in the middle on that one. Oh, but back to coming out. Even though the house is cool with Calvin being gay, they pretty much agree that more than one gay Omega Chi might make them seem like the gay frat on campus. Gah, this show is so good at pinpointing the way that I think people probably think and try to behave.
And while I think so much of it is realistic, I have no idea whether or not secret societies exist, or at least exist the way that they do. Evan and Cappie are douchemoving (fighting) over the same girl again, but back off and apologize once they realize that she is mildly homicidal. Oh yeah, they found that out during this whole reveal all your secrets deal, which totally wimped out, since they didn't even show Evan and Cappie's secrets. Pathetic.
Even though the secret thing didn't follow through, I think the episode did. And the commercial where Rebecca and Ashleigh were playing SIms 3 totally made any mistakes the show has ever made worthwhile. Maybe if I ever get Sims 3, I can recreate Ashleigh, and Rebecca, and Casey, and Rusty, and Calvin, and Cappie, and Evan, and Dale, and whoEVER I want. So cool. But yeah, I'm never gonna get it. Until next time, AKA the MTV Movie Awards Post!
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