I like desperately needed to write a blog entry because I'm insanely bored and I haven't written in A FULL MONTH. Pathetic.
So I'm doing this presentation for my public speaking class on Thursday and I decided to talk about the impending Wizarding World of Harry Potter. And since Harry and I have been in a relationship for approximately 10 years, I thought it's about time I visit him in person.
In Universal Studios!
Last time I went to Universal Studios, I had a hissy fit and ran away. So no one has wanted to take me there since. But I so badly want to see Hogwarts and have a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks that I swear I won't run away unless I see something truly horrible. Like a preview for Paul Blart: Mall Cop. And that's highly unlikely.
For the new Harry Potter land, the whole park is adapting to include it. The original awesome roller coaster, Dueling Dragons, is changing its name to Dragon Challenge, and the dragons are turning into the Hungarian Horntail and one of the other ones from the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
Also, Ollivander's wand shop is going to be some sort of interactive experience to show how the wand chooses its owner. But there are probably no more phoenix feathers.
I'm just frickin excited to see Hogwarts. And Hogsmeade. And the Hogwarts Express. And everything else awesome and Potterific. I've been waiting for this since like freshman year and the wait is almost over! Spring 2010! So anywhere from a month away to 4 months away. Hmmm... 22nd birthday trip maybe?
take me with you!