That was supposed to be like a sound of trepidation to indicate how much I was dreading the new American Skins.
To preface, I have been a fan of the original UK Skins for 2 or 3 years now. Before I left for London this summer, my friend and I discussed the enhanced possibility of meeting the cast members (I actually think we only mentioned meeting Sid, not sure why), and while I was there I got like half of my building hooked on the show. In fact, part of the reason why I'm writing this blog post is because one of my London pals (let's face it, basically my only London pal) asked me to. That being said, I am proud to say that I had been very familiar with Skins long before MTV announced that they would be airing their own version.

This did not look good to me. One of the best parts about Skins is its innate Englandness. They use British slang (spliff for weed, fanny for vagina), have British looks, go to British schools, and can use far more foul language, nudity, sex, and drugs than any American shows can. Other than the always explicit HBO and Showtime. By bringing Skins to America, it would be like when the CW airs Sex and the City. Super lame. Plus, the MTV promos were horribly embarrassing. One guy at work actually asked me if I saw the trailers for that horrible new MTV show Skins. I had a hissy fit. Everyone knows tv means more to me than it should. But I still had to watch it. There was every possibility it might pull an Office and be awesome. Whatever, I knew I would probably hate it, but I wanted to know first hand.
Before watching the pilot,
I read this article:
It gave me ammo to look out for when I started. Most of it sounded better than the stuff from the promos anyway.
Now for my opinion...
I kinda liked it.
Obviously I was not a fan of Tony's weirdo spider bedspread that replaced his naked people bedspread, but I understand that American tv can't show that so I won't cry. Plus, Effy changed that bedspread too when Tony went to university.
Eek, now on to Effy. She is a blond girl named Eura and she is not pretty at all. Her character doesn't matter that much yet because you never know anything about Effy anyway. But she seems like she has mental problems. Tony even said in the second episode that she has social problems. Very unEffy. Her actions are her choices. And she is gorgeous. Not Eura.
Tony is actually kinda cool. He's not as cute as Nicholas Hoult, the UK Tony, but he has charm and that's what makes Tony. And I liked his solo at the girls school.
Chris was perfect. I like this new guy. I adore UK Chris beyond belief, but this one seemed almost identical and definitely has potential to expand upon the role. Angie was also pretty good. I can't remember the new one's name, and she doesn't have the lovely Welsh accent, but she is good.
Michelle is also good. Neither UK or US Michelle seems that pretty to me at first, but they have this sexuality that makes them way hotter. Good for them. I actually always liked that character and I still do.
Ew I just reremembered when Tony said gosh golly. Who says that? This high school junior I work with answered that with "little girls in the 60s and no one else ever." I think he's correct.
Sid is the worst.
Maybe. Cassie sucks too. Sid is now named Stanley and he doesn't seem to have any of the self-hating while still seeming somewhat coolness of Sid. He is gross looking. All greasy haired. So Sid was never exactly hot, but I still loved him. Stanley is lame. I can't understand why Tony would be friends with him. Even if he had lost his v-card.

Cassie is now named Cadie. The article I posted above discusses how the US version doesn't discuss her anorexia, but it doesn't really do her changeover justice. Instead of being sunshiney goodness while still being whackadoodle, she is a nutjob without any lovability. Another NYMag article described her as a hybrid of Helena Bonham Carter’s creepiest roles and Evanescence. Oh, wow. Cool. Oh yeah, Cadie also doesn't say any of those things. But she does like cheetos. What? Cassie may have been crazy, but she was crazy because of realistic problems, like anorexia, drug abuse, negligence, and other things. This Cadie is just insane for no apparent reason. She also doesn't look like Cassie since Cassie is pale, blonde, and English looking (the teeth).
This one is sort of black with mad wild hair. Oh well.
Now the remaining characters are Jal, Maxxie, and Anwar. I think that's it. Jal is named Daisy now and I have nothing major to say about her. Just like I never had anything major to say about Jal. She was boring. This one is at least cuter than Jal since she has no braces because Americans know to get braces out of the way at a young age.
Anwar has a new name. I could look it up, but I don't see the point. The main difference is that I like the UK Anwar and don't like this one. Granted, the UK one is played by Slumdog Millionaire's Dev Patel, but still. Instead of discussing him I will tell an anecdote that I have already told thrice. Outside of a bar (Noche in Center City) the other night I was hanging out with my usual Indian friends and they were talking to some random Indian guys. So I'm in this group and I turn to one of them and say "Hi Anwar." And he's like yup, "Anwar Sadat." I was like no dur Anwar from Skins. And his friend butted in and was like no dude he looks like the guy from Slumdog. And Anwar turned to him and was like no this girl got it right. Skins came first so booyah. That dialogue was a little off, but that was the general gist of it. And as I was walking away I yelled to Anwar that he has only heard of Anwar Sadat because of I Love You, Man. He didn't deny it.
I saved Maxxie for last because he had the biggest change. Cute gay dancer Maxxie is now a cool lesbian cheerleader named Tea.

Apparently only the first episode will really follow the UK version, but the UK co-creator is adapting this version, so it won't be too unSkinsy unless the parents counsels destroy all the funding. I'm going to keep watching for now. But let me know what you think, so I know how much you disagree with me.
P.S. I want to write some Greekaps. I'll try to post them soon because it's still my favorite show!
1.) To be fair, Effy did get a mental illness in the last season/series of the show. full-on paranoia/delusions/hallucinations crazy. But I hate this US girl second most (cadie/cassie first most) because she is ugly and has none of the hidden kick-ass edge/depth/sexuality that effy has.
ReplyDelete2.) I agree with you on everyone you hated, but disagree in liking new jal. I mean, I hated Jal on the UK versions because she is clearly this show's Hazel (Degrassi) and is boring and lame BUT the US Daisy is 20 times worse. At least original Jal can act which leads me to my next point:
3.) NONE OF THESE KIDS CAN ACT. I think that's actually why I hate this show so much. If it were storyline-based only, I'd probably watch it but having to listen to them drone on with clearly fake emotion and destroy lines- ESPECIALLY that Cadie/Cassie girl, watching her is just PAINFUL- makes me feel like I'm forced to watch my sister's middle school play again. The only ones I can stomach are new Tony, new Chris, and new Maxxie. Although, really, new Maxxie/Tea is only kind of interesting bc of her storyline- her acting is still pretty shitty besides being sexy, which I think she probably is naturally. New Tony is sufficiently charming for me and I think new Chris is the best one, because although he's not as endearing as UK chris, he at least has the same kind of sincerity and ease.
4.) I think this show would have been able to be better if it was on Showtime/HBO like the US version of Shameless. Now that show is great. I think US Skins is missing the point to be so edited.
5.) Final verdict: Horrible. And this is coming from someone who loves campy teen shows. Maybe if it went with actual actors it would have fared better.