But it's a good thing I picked this phone, because since I got it, it has appeared in

She even created a quiz on Seventeen.com that mentions Gabriella's adorable blue phone. But it's a little hard to see in the movie, so even though I freaked out when I saw it, I managed to keep a mild cool.
The real freak out came last Saturday night, when the one and only Miley Cyrus appeared for the first time on the big screen in Hannah Montana: The Movie, blue Chocolate in hand. It got a big screen shot too. Verizon must have paid a butt-load for that product placement. But I think if I worked for advertisers, product placement is the way to go. I mean, I almost got the EnV, even though I don't like it, just because the fabulous Blair Waldorf had it. But at this point, I'm glad I went the Disney Channel way.
i totally freaked when she was using it in the movie! alol!!!