Exhibit A: Rusty is taking an art history class with Dale and Calvin. It's pretty cute that they are all in a class together, even though Dale seems to think that liberal arts will lead to Satanism. But then the professor shows a picture of a nude woman and Dale gets all giggly. Every line Dale said in the episode was pretty much phenom. He made a joke about a girl named Jenna having the last name Telia. And then giggled some more. He later proceded to look up girls named Jenna Telia. He kept up his fascination with his first image of sexuality spectacularly well throughout the episode.
Also in the heathen class is Rusty's new crush (just a regular crush, not like Casey's Janeane Garafolo girlcrush) Jordan. I love her. She is superpretty, but not intimidating, smart but not dorky, and crazy nice. She also seems to genuinely like Rusty. She had this line where she asked Rusty if he was gonna ask her out, which was totally his in, but he wimped out. It was lame. I have been trying to figure out who she looks like, and I just keep getting Ashlee Simpson, but I know I can do better than that. Anyway, Ashleigh offered her a bid to ZBZ and that's cute. But yeah she made out with JMac and we know it stirred up all this drama.
Oh yes, Rusty decided to take a bunch of jello shots to up his confidence before hitting on the girl. His mouth got all red, like little kids drinking fruit punch.
Jump to another area. Well sort of reverse, because I forgot about something else with the art history class. The professor got all hot and restless during his discussion of the sex-infused art.
Ashleigh wore these purple pants I didn't like. They were unflattering. Max was kinda boring. He and Casey finally said "i love you", which I assumed happened months ago. The Max/Cappie rivalry isn't that interesting to me. Mostly because Casey and Cappie actually seem to be sexual tension free, making the rivalry completely irrelevant.
The new guy working for ZBZ is fine, but he isn't as hot as the girls make it seem. He is supposed to be like the hottest guy ever. But we have seen much better.
Oh it totally made me laugh that they all kept saying douche. Speaking of, Evan finally did something. Apparently he is sleeping around on Frannie. Good, he was completely boring. He was also in two scenes in the entire episode. Frannie wasn't in any. These things happen.
I had all these other awesome realizations about the epi, but I forgot, so I'll leave it at this. Ta ta!
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