New on tv tonight, actually ended 3 minutes ago, 90210: The New Class, but still with Kelly and today Donna. Also, I missed last week, so I rewatched it right before this episode and seriously whoa, like WHOA. Needs the capitalization because these episodes were insane and AWESOME.
Silver had a crazy break down a few weeks ago and last week's episode had her spiral out of control. This week she is trying to recuperate and it was sad for her. I still hate Annie and whatever, but she didn't annoy me that much this week, which is always good.
But seriously, I have read like 3 of Diablo Cody's columns in Entertainment Weekly, talking about her upcoming stint on 90210. And she rocked it. Gah it was so fantastic, with Silver freaking out about meeting her, and Diablo acting so chill. I mean, I know that my older sister, the hippest chick around, thinks Diablo sucks, but her column is awesome

and I think that if I enjoy her writing, I probably enjoy her. Not sexually. That sounded like sexually.
Oh also I am OBSESSED with Adrianna. I think she is the most gorgeous girl ever, now that she grew out her bangs. Maybe I just like her because the actress, Jessica Lowndes, was on Greek, but I think it's because her character is so killer. She is like totally self aware and ironic. Lately I am very into people being self aware. They can be the most annoying person ever, but if they know it, than they are fine by me. Except for that beardy kid in my Western Civ class. I can't stand him, even if he does realize he is crazy annoying.
So I know that people are hesitant to watch the new 90210, and I also know that it was sort of lame in the beginning, but it has definitely found its groove. I'm gonna have to recommend.
I don't know, I called Silver's bipolar disorder from day ONE. It was Craig Manning all over again. The freak out with commitment from a romantic partner, the physical assault of an adult, the trashing of a room, the taking to the streets. Seriously, the entire time I felt like I was watching a remake of the Degrassi episodes. Except Craig was better. I agree with you about Adrianna, though, she's the BEST. And, actually, Liam's pretty sexy, too. I think he's gonna do wonders for Ethan.