At first, I presumed he was joking. I mean, come on, everyone knows who Seth Rogen is. But after he kept up the "I Don't Know Who Seth Rogen is" jig, I pushed him, to show him that of course he knows who Seth Rogen is. Come on, he was in Knocked Up and The 40-Year Old Virgin, and Superbad, and all of the most popular comedies of the past 3 years. How could anyone not know my dear Seth? Let alone a 23-year old college boy with a decent sense of humor.
Tim continued testing my limits by admitting to me that he had never seen The 40-Year Old Virgin OR Superbad. I actually still can't believe it. I mean, I saw them both in theaters multiple times and own the dvds. What's worse, Tim googled Seth and didn't even recognize him from pictures.
I got even more aggravated when Girl I Don't Like That My Friends Force Me To Hang Out With tried to show Tim who Seth was by saying that his last movie was Pineapple Express. Ugh, I'm still annoyed about it. Come on, Seth had half of the title role in Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Observe and Report JUST came out, and he lent his voice to Monsters vs. Aliens. Seth is everywhere. He has clearly been in a movie since last summer.
I clearly can't expect everyone I talk to to see every worthy movie, I mean, I haven't even seen Casablanca, but missing Seth Rogen? That's like missing a major cornerstone of this generation. I finally watched the entirety of The Office because I was tired of missing out. Apatow is now. Become a part of it.
Seriously? His guy card should be revoked.