Anyway, so I had to DVR my episode
of Greek, choosing to record it over Gossip Girl, which I plan to find online as soon as I finish writing this. Anyway, so I watched my episode from the DVR today. After it ended, I muted it and went back to watching the season finale of Grey's Anatomy on (god I watch too much tv, but also, I'm dying to talk about this episode so IM me if you have watched it). And as it turns out, my DVR replays whatever you watch if you don't press anything on the tv for too long. I guess I waited too long, because the episode of Greek played two more times. And I definitely watched it a little bit. Three times now. That has gotta be at least a little more intense. Especially since it ended again and it likely to start up at any minute.
Well, now that I have written this much, I am less inclined to discuss the episode. I'm just gonna do a few short bits.
I love Calvin. So so much. I was so glad the writers decided to give him a new storyline, because watching him avoid Evan, sit near Rusty, and give advice on how to be gay to Rebecca.

But this week he was all interesting. He first gave the gay advice to Rebecca and went
on his merry way. To the gym. Where some hot guy scammed on him. Calvin took the
bait and went to chat up said hottie.
PS the episode just started again.
The guy complimented Calvin's pecs and kept lifting up his own shirt to show off his mild variation on a six-pack. Anyway, to make a short story shorter, the two go out, Calvin tries to kiss, him and the guy is like whoa I'm straight. Calvin is of course horrified and scampers. The story could have ended there. But instead Calvin went total baller and confronted the guy. I would call him by his name, but I have no recollection of it. Calvin told the guy off for leading him on when he was fully aware of what he was doing. The guy owned up to it and it was pretty cool and admirable. The end of that storyline.
On to the Rebecca is a lesbian storyline. She was really funny when she came out. Now she is all iffy about it. Like "oh no, kissing girls isn't as fun as kissing boys." But in different words. Anway, she decided that she wasn't gay and broke it easy to the girl she was dating. Who was like whatever, I'm used to lugs. Which is a growing term meaning lesbian until graduation. Greek is totally up on their cultural references.
There are only a couple of other things I want to talk about this week, even though there was a lot more One is how Ashleigh had such a notable absence from the episode. Casey and Rebecca going to eachother for advice was so awkward. Which they played very well. So again, pats on the back to all.
Other thing to mention, Cappie and Evan get back together. Not at all corny. It was really great actually. They weaned us into it throughout the season, so it wasn't a total jump and they handled it really well. Also, they rebonded in front of Dean Cameron From Ferris Bueller.
Anyway, I can't wait to see what's next, because I really want Jesse McCartney to come back and I really want to see Casey and Cappie rekindle. Because now that Max is abroad, even though it's only for like a month, I think he is sort of a part of the past.
Later y'all!
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