Today, I desperately wanted to write about "The Climb," because I love it
and it's on the radio all the time, but something suddenly came up (The Brady Bunch Movie reference). I decided to continue on my quest to get into online shows. I started with The Clark and Michael Show, then moved on to Quarterlife, starring Scott Michael Foster, or as I prefer to call him, Cappie. But he also played Doug Wilson's gay son, Josh, on Weeds. Today I went for Josh Schwartz's new work of art, Rockville CA.
I love Josh Schwartz. He based Seth Cohen off of himself, introduced me to the wonderful world of self-aware tv, and the indulged me with Gossip Girl. So I had to give his online show a chance. I only watched one episode so far, but in that episode was Ashleigh's new boytoy, Fisher, from Greek. And he wasn't playing a hot guy. I knew he didn't have the hot guy vibe. I like him, but he doesn't scream sex machine.

If you want someone who screams sex machine, wait an extra two minutes for Matt Cohen to show up. Most generic Jewish name of all time? Yes. That and Josh Schwartz. But it's a name I remember, because despite the fact that 90% of the people I know have very similar names, he stars as Aidan on South of Nowhere, the most interesting take on homosexuality I have ever seen. He is like insanely hot. Too hot. It's like how I feel about Sean Faris. He is like almost too hot to look at. But like his name, he is more of a generic kind of hot. I could easily see him as an Abercrombie model. Just like another Josh Schwartz star, Chris Carmack.
According to IMDb, another South of Nowhere alum is coming to Rockville. Mandy Musgrave, who
plays Ashley on the N's edgiest show is set to show up somewhere along the line. She is so pretty. No wonder Betsy from Greek plays her sister on South of Nowhere.
Ah pretty people. On one episode of Party Down, Ryan Hansen's character was explaining how he acts, models, and is in an "up and coming" band. Basically

being professionally handsome someone on the show comments. I don't find him particularly attractive, but he was a hot, popular guy on Veronica Mars (Dick Casablancas), and is apparently set to appear on Rockville CA. I purposely chose a picture where he looks moronic, but it's actually how he looks so my not being attracted totally makes sense. Leave the attractiveness to Matt Cohen. And maybe to Fisher. He isn't bad looking, just not totally hot.
I didn't see any other names on the list, but hey, I didn't know Fisher's real name either, so it's very likely that more of my TV pals will show up along the way. And I'm sure to report it.
Check it out if you want. But don't if you don't want to, because that's dumb.
I am soso glad you watched quarterlife! And obvi The Clark and Michael Show. But that goes without saying.