Welcome to my friendly neighborhood Greekap, the weekly recap of the incredibly awesome Greek. So far, my Greekaps have been a little shotty, so I decided to loser it up and take notes during my second viewing of the episode. Here goes nada!
Totally a decent episode. Not as good as the first, better than the last. I give it a white gold star. That is beneath platinum, and right above yellow gold.
First off, I feel the need to mention some of my qualms with the epi. The Kappa Taus had some lines that seemed completely uncharacteristic of the notoriously riotous fraternity. It started out pretty mild. Wade said do do and the boys all laughed, which made total sense. But then Cappie took it another step further and said "you said doo doo." Unnecesarry. We caught the doo doo. We caught the giggle. You didn't need to point it out. I laughed anyway.
After the doo doo, the KTs had some more cute banter. But again, dampered by Beaver's sad story about Scooby. Cappie explained how the Beaver's last li
ttle brother had to leave because he was a reefer fiend. Now I know that tv shows have some trouble showing pot unless they are on Showtime or HBO, but The O.C. got through it unscathed. It just didn't make any sense to me that the Kappa Taus would have such a problem with a pothead. They all seem like total stoners. Now I know they say they just drink a lot of beer, but if they were real frat bros, it would be Marijuana Madness.
One more KT issue and then I'll back down. It goes back to my last point, about how they are known as the crazy party frat. They are beer guzzling, sex-crazed lunatics. Why are they so angry that Rusty made Jesse McCartney play beer pong?
They made Rusty play last year. It is normal behavior for a Kappa Tau. They need to figure out what their boundaries are.
Okay, tirade over. Now I can talk about the nice things. Like, it was nice to see Evan back. He has been a complete tool lately, but it's good to know where it's coming from. His big bro came to visit.
They sort of looked alike. The brother was cuter, but his cute presence made Evan look cuter than usual. I knew big bro looked familiar, so I imdbed and found out duhhh ex-boyfriend Justin from She's the Man. I tried to show off my discovery, but Lindsay Fo had apparently known that

for ages. Plus, she knew his real name and several of his acting gigs. Robert Hoffman. A very normal name. He was kind of great. He was exactly how Evan's big bro should be. Plus, he forced Evan and Cappie to hang out. The show had sort of given up on any hint of warmth between those two characters, and it was cute to see them
Speaking of bonding, at big/little night at the Kappa Tau house, Cappie put Rusty and Jesse into a little light bondage. It was hilario, because every time the cuffs went on, the beers spilled on the pledges heads. Except in Rusty's case. Because he is the lame active. So beer spills on his head. Fab. I did feel bad for him though. He really likes the precious Jordan and she is fully in friend zone with him. Even coming to him to help her decide whether Jesse should get a text or an under the door note.
Speaking of JMac, I think it's hilarious that the Kappa Taus actually do call him Andylicious. Instead of something way cooler. It's hard to get rid of a nickname if you already started using it. Poor kid. Stuck with the worst nickname of all time. Ah and more speaking of. Rusty refers to Evan as Bing. His KT nickname that Egyptian Joe gave him when he was pledging Kappa Tau. Not referring to Chandler Bing. I loved that Rusty called him that.
Oh but back to Jordan. When she is talking to Rusty after class, they have this cute little conversation about art history, in which she imitates Ralph from The Simpsons. And yeah, everyone has watched The Simpsons at some point. But I have trouble
believing that she perfected her Ralph Wiggims impression. It's just a little anachronistic. She is also weirdly embarrassed about a random hookup at a frat party. It's not the most embarrassing thing anyone has ever done.
And what is with Jordan being Casey's little sister? Yeah, I know that she is the main character and all, but Rebecca is already Casey's little sister. Can she even have two. The Casey/Rebecca friendship was crazy adorable this episode. They had a couple tense moments, but it all seemed totally natural. My favorite part was when Rebecca said Fisher was hot and Ashleigh said "touch him and I will cut you even faster than she [Casey] would." It was adorable.
Other things I liked:
When Patrick Chambers told Evan to break up with Frannie because she is just like their mom and it is "borderline Oedipal."
When Rebecca said the first suspect is always the help.
Evan buying Cappie coffee.
Wade blowing the horn to get attention.
All so adorable. One last problem though is that Ashleigh says Casey never does shots. I don't buy it. She is a college girl who spends most of her time in a bar. She does shots.
Voila! Covered so much of the episode. Look for another Greekap next Tuesday!