And then things changed.
High school and college Facebook merged, allowing me to be friends with college people, as well as the 10 high school people I knew. It also starting allowing us to upload and share pictures. Whoa, it's like magic! And then more of my friends started joining. So in turn, Myspace became lame for anyone not in a band and I deleted it.
And then you could be in a work network and join Facebook.
And then you could be anybody and join Facebook.
And then everyone had parents on Facebook, who used it to share pictures with their cousins and siblings and to find their high school friends from 34 years previously. My god.
Earlier this year, people freaked out because Marky Mark (Zuckerberg) changed Facebook to the new Facebook. But after some getting used to, we all made peace with the fact that our profile info was no longer the first thing you see.
But then he had to switch it up all over again! And I don't like this whole Twitter deal. It's confusing and weird-looking. I try not to complain when he changes little things on Facebook (with the exception of all of those apps, like What is Your Porn Name), but this time I am complaining. I won't join any groups or change my status (or whatever it is now) to whine about it, but I will complain here, because I miss my old Facebook. Not the way it was when I still had no friends on it. Not even the way it was this past November. Just the way it was last week. When I still understood it.
Rant over.
I miss the ways of the old facebook, too. This is the worst incarnation, but I have to say, having no limit on who can join is ridiculous. The nine year old girl I babysit has friends on facebook and her mom wanted her to get one. NINE YEARS OLD. Ew.